Thursday, March 18, 2010

Logical AND operator

Logical And operator,operator,earn,learnlogical,learnoperator,logicalearn,learnlogicalearn,logicallearnlogical,earnoperatorlogical,learnearn,operatorearn,learnlogicaloperator,logicaloperatorearn,

The AND operator displays a record if both the first condition and the second condition is true.

It can be used in any valid SQL statement such as select,insert,update,or delete. the and operator requires that each condition must be met for the record to be included in the result set.


insert into table name where condition1 AND condition2

update tablename set columnname values value where condition1 AND condition2

delete from tabl name where condition1 AND condition2

select from tablname where condition1 AND condition2


insert into sqldemo1 (id) values (23) where firstname='sam' AND pass='sam';

Update sqldemo1 set id=34 where firstname='sam' AND pass='sam';

Delete * from sqldemo1 where firstname='sam' AND pass='sam';

select id from sqldemo1 where firstname='sam' AND pass='sam';

1 comment:

shyam said...

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